Wednesday, July 30, 2008

The Dark Knight


so i finally went to see the movie that i have been waiting to see for the past three years, one of my favorite comic books heros: batman, in the dark knight. and to sum up the movie as a whole and i quote " it was f-ing awesome!" and "well worth the wait!"

frank miller is a complete and utter genius! he took his re-tooling of the comic from the pages and put it on the screen. the story line, the characters, everything was great! now i am going to make a statement that may come as a shock to many of you, but i was in agreeing on the best sequel ever made: the godfather pt II, but now after seeing the dark night, it is now in my book the best sequel ever made! and i know that it is a little bias on my part cause i am a big fan but it was just an all around great movie regardless.

and i know that everyone made a big deal about heath ledger's performance, and it was all cause it was his last film, and that it was over hyped. i strongly disagree. he took the joker to a whole new level that jack nicholson could only dream about. he was dark, funny, sadistic, conniving psycho that you want in a antagonist. it was brilliantly done! and he should get the oscar for it.

if you have not seen the movie, i strongly suggest that you do. and if you have not seen the first one, go rent batman begins, and then go see the dark night. cause it now tops my list of favorite movies. until next time!


Tuesday, July 15, 2008

The Book of Richard 2:1 Total Randomness

so, i finally got my paper work from at&t on thursday, so for the first time since the 27th of june i have work to do that does not involve me driving all over san antone looking for parts to our old machine. and unlike back on the 27th it is more then two days worht of work! so now that i have all my paper work in, i only have about 2-3 weeks of work left here in san antone. and we are going to have a stretch of down time here in texas before we head on down to corpus christi. so i will be going to connecticut, for a month or so now, before we go to corpus. yea! not really, i don't know anyone up there, at least here i know a couple of people in town and i am not that far from austin. oh well i'll keep yall up to date on that.

its been three long years of anticipation, and an even longer year and a half since they released the making of it, but now its finally here! the dark knight comes out on friday!! and you better believe that i will be the first one in line waiting for the theatre to open on firday. i would go and see it at midnight on thursday but do to the above paragraph, and working nights still i cannot... but non-the-less, i am super stoked about it!! and as many of yall know, i love comics, and even more so, dc comics! batman and superman that's all i wanted to be when i was growing up. so if you want to come with, let me know and i'll pick up the tickets!

i really need to wash sara (my truck). she is dirty as hell!

i hate doing expense reports for work. its a pain in my ass, especially now that it comes out of my account and then i am reimbursed later on that week. it sucks!

all-star game tonight!! go nl!

olympics start in 24 days! whoo hoo!


Tuesday, July 8, 2008

a whole mind full...

sorry, i know it has been a long time since the last time i posted anything, and finally everything as really caught up with me, and i have had a lot of things on my mind. so if you will indulge me i will get started.

you know it is funny how the human mind and for that matter heart works. no matter what happens in the day to day living of a single persons life i guess you will always remember times, dates, and incidences that have effected your life whether it be good, or bad. i have always been that type of person who can chronically date things that have happened in my life. and while the most have been great, good, and life defining moments, others have weighted heavy on my heart and mind, and in a certain way now that i look back at it, have also defined my life as the goods ones have. i guess there are really two dates that i remember that stick out that were great dates that define myself, and also two others that have changed the course of my life as well. and while one would beg the question on way i would hang on to these other two? and i really cannot answer that. while i know that what happened on those two separate days were no way good to me personally, i cannot help but remember those. it has been two years for one of them, and eight years on the other, but i can still remember them both like they were yesterday. weird. but i guess that is life for you. i guess that if life was predicable, and you only had the good times in life, life itself would be rather boring, right?

now for the other thing that has recently been on my mind.

i was born with what i would consider a handicap in my family. while i have had two loving grandmothers, my sisters and i were cut short by never knowing our grandfathers, and them not knowing us also. but the one true beacon that we have in our lives has been our great uncle cal. he without being asked to has filled in the role as our grandfather. he is one of the most kind selfless persons i know. he has fought and survived the great odds three times already, and now for the forth time in the last 15 years he has been diagnosed with cancer. please if you could join with me and my family in praying for his health and well being, and for strength, of his family. i am so grateful that i have him in my life and in the lives of my family and the people that know him. we as a family and him, have fought this battle with him before, we have prevailed, and we will once more.
