First I would like to apologize to all, it has been a long long time since the last time I posted anything. And as much as I would like to catch yall up on the happenings of Richard, and also talk about the election, I'm going to have to respectfully decline to a later time in which to do so.
My mom and dad came to Corpus this weekend to visit me and they brought Abby with them, she was also happy to see me, and check out where I have been living the past 2 months. They got to come in on Saturday morning, and little to their knowledge I prepared a brisket, and beans, and sausage for lunch/dinner. It was real nice to finally treat my parents for once. They have always done it for me, even when they would come to my apartment in Abilene, so it was great to return the favor after all these years. We got to watch the Longhorn game, and a lot more college football that has taken up the just of my Saturdays since college football started back in September.
Sunday I got up and made breakfast for them, eggs, bacon, bisects, and mimosa's. After wards we got in the truck and drove down to the beach, so Abby can run in the sand and see the water. Which at first she was a little freaked out by it, by got closer and closer as the time went on. When we were down on the beach we could see the USS Lexington in the distance, and it got me remembering the last time I was with my dad in Corpus.
I was in the sixth grade and my history class was going on a field trip to Corpus to see the USS Lexington and learn about WWII. Well for the first time my dad was going to be a chaperon for my class. I was so excited, I had always got to hang out with my dad, but it was at home, or he had brought me along with him to work. But for the first time I got to be with him outside those environments. As we left the school I was so excited that I could hardly sit still, and all I heard was how big my dad was, I think that everyone was in awe! Once we got there it was so much fun to see all the planes, guns, life boats, the rooms, and to jump in between the doors. We got to ride the outside elevators to the ships main deck as we got to learn about the battles it saw in WWII, and how the catapult worked. Looking back on it I don't think I left my dad's side the whole time, and saying "look at this!" and "look isn't this awesome?!"
It was just about the most fun time that I had in my life, and what made it better was the fact that my dad got to experience the whole thing with me. It was amazing really. It was right there when I scored my first run in baseball and he was there to give me a high five, and when I had won my first football game a couple of years later. It's a feeling that I will always remember no matter how much time passes by. And I look forward to the day when I can take my son there and watch as he has the same great time that I did.
Monday, November 10, 2008
Sunday, August 31, 2008
I'm Back in Texas!!
okay, sorry i know that i have been back since last weekend, and i have delayed on up dating yall, but it has been a busy week for me in san antone, but enough with the excuses, here i go.
cook, brandon and i left austin on sunday, and flew into cincinnati, we first found our gate, and realized that we had and hour before we had to board our plane, so we found a bar right next to the gate, and we stopped in to have a couple of drinks. so we were just sitting there enjoying our drinks, when our waitress asked what time our plane left... check!!! running... saw the plane being taxied out to the runway... oops!! we lucked out though and the airline put us up in a hotel for the night, and gave us a ride back to the airport fir the first flight out in the morning. so the first flight out was at 7:15 the next morning, or so we thought... a dozen and a half delays later, and four beers, we finally headed for hartford at 1 pm. oh yeah, and we had an engine go out on us!!! son of a bitch, that's why i hate flying!!!
so, there is really nothing to tell yall about work other then we did pull more footage in two days then i ever did in a week in san antone! so needless to say i got to get paid by the foot rather then my lousy minimum here in texas. money!!!!
so i did get to tour the yale campus, it was awesome seeing it, and going into buildings that were 300 years old, and to see the names of all the famous people that went there, and man it was just amazing. i also got to walk around downtown new haven and got to see the historical sites, and the new haven green. which if you didn't know that's were the amastad came into port and the slaves were sold in the first slave trades in america.
i also liked the company office (the bar) in new haven. the owner is a huge elvis fan, and if you know me, so am i. love it!! elvis stuff every where! oh yeah and the beer was cold too! and the whole kicker was that it was literally two doors down from our warehouse. if you had a good day the bar was right there so you could celebrate, if you had a bad day, it was right there so you could forget about it.
i also met a girl there, she was one of the bartenders at tcb. her name is jill, and yes, we did go on a date. although i was late picking her up, i got lost driving around west haven. but other then that i showed her why texas boys don't compare to anyone else out there. and she seemed to think so too!
so other then that, it was a good little work trip, we got alot done, and got the second crew going up there, which helps out everyone in the long run, i guess.
but to let you in on some new news, i will be moving out of san antone this weekend and will be moving to corpus christi, and looking to start working my magic there by the middle of september. oh yeah, and bayfest is in corpus the last weekend of the month, three days, music, beach, drinking, if you want to join me, please let me know and i will reserve you a ticket, and an airbed in the apt., or couch, or a corner of the floor, depending on how many people come down.
so i guess i'll be going for now, and i'll be talking to yall soon, have a great one!
cook, brandon and i left austin on sunday, and flew into cincinnati, we first found our gate, and realized that we had and hour before we had to board our plane, so we found a bar right next to the gate, and we stopped in to have a couple of drinks. so we were just sitting there enjoying our drinks, when our waitress asked what time our plane left... check!!! running... saw the plane being taxied out to the runway... oops!! we lucked out though and the airline put us up in a hotel for the night, and gave us a ride back to the airport fir the first flight out in the morning. so the first flight out was at 7:15 the next morning, or so we thought... a dozen and a half delays later, and four beers, we finally headed for hartford at 1 pm. oh yeah, and we had an engine go out on us!!! son of a bitch, that's why i hate flying!!!
so, there is really nothing to tell yall about work other then we did pull more footage in two days then i ever did in a week in san antone! so needless to say i got to get paid by the foot rather then my lousy minimum here in texas. money!!!!
so i did get to tour the yale campus, it was awesome seeing it, and going into buildings that were 300 years old, and to see the names of all the famous people that went there, and man it was just amazing. i also got to walk around downtown new haven and got to see the historical sites, and the new haven green. which if you didn't know that's were the amastad came into port and the slaves were sold in the first slave trades in america.
i also liked the company office (the bar) in new haven. the owner is a huge elvis fan, and if you know me, so am i. love it!! elvis stuff every where! oh yeah and the beer was cold too! and the whole kicker was that it was literally two doors down from our warehouse. if you had a good day the bar was right there so you could celebrate, if you had a bad day, it was right there so you could forget about it.
i also met a girl there, she was one of the bartenders at tcb. her name is jill, and yes, we did go on a date. although i was late picking her up, i got lost driving around west haven. but other then that i showed her why texas boys don't compare to anyone else out there. and she seemed to think so too!
so other then that, it was a good little work trip, we got alot done, and got the second crew going up there, which helps out everyone in the long run, i guess.
but to let you in on some new news, i will be moving out of san antone this weekend and will be moving to corpus christi, and looking to start working my magic there by the middle of september. oh yeah, and bayfest is in corpus the last weekend of the month, three days, music, beach, drinking, if you want to join me, please let me know and i will reserve you a ticket, and an airbed in the apt., or couch, or a corner of the floor, depending on how many people come down.
so i guess i'll be going for now, and i'll be talking to yall soon, have a great one!
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Bon Voyage Texas!
well i just got the call today, the boss is done jumping through hoops here in san antone, and is sending me to connecticut... this sunday!
that's right! this sunday. not much time do really get things in line and do everything that i have to do. that and its an open ticket, only one way, so i really don't know when i am going to be back. that's the thing that bugs me the most. i could be there a week, or i could be there for a month or two. i really don't know, and i don't think that my boss knows either.
so what i do know is that i will be on a plane on sunday heading for new haven, and i guess i'll let yall know when i am going to be back.
that's right! this sunday. not much time do really get things in line and do everything that i have to do. that and its an open ticket, only one way, so i really don't know when i am going to be back. that's the thing that bugs me the most. i could be there a week, or i could be there for a month or two. i really don't know, and i don't think that my boss knows either.
so what i do know is that i will be on a plane on sunday heading for new haven, and i guess i'll let yall know when i am going to be back.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
The Dark Knight
so i finally went to see the movie that i have been waiting to see for the past three years, one of my favorite comic books heros: batman, in the dark knight. and to sum up the movie as a whole and i quote " it was f-ing awesome!" and "well worth the wait!"
frank miller is a complete and utter genius! he took his re-tooling of the comic from the pages and put it on the screen. the story line, the characters, everything was great! now i am going to make a statement that may come as a shock to many of you, but i was in agreeing on the best sequel ever made: the godfather pt II, but now after seeing the dark night, it is now in my book the best sequel ever made! and i know that it is a little bias on my part cause i am a big fan but it was just an all around great movie regardless.
and i know that everyone made a big deal about heath ledger's performance, and it was all cause it was his last film, and that it was over hyped. i strongly disagree. he took the joker to a whole new level that jack nicholson could only dream about. he was dark, funny, sadistic, conniving psycho that you want in a antagonist. it was brilliantly done! and he should get the oscar for it.
if you have not seen the movie, i strongly suggest that you do. and if you have not seen the first one, go rent batman begins, and then go see the dark night. cause it now tops my list of favorite movies. until next time!
so i finally went to see the movie that i have been waiting to see for the past three years, one of my favorite comic books heros: batman, in the dark knight. and to sum up the movie as a whole and i quote " it was f-ing awesome!" and "well worth the wait!"
frank miller is a complete and utter genius! he took his re-tooling of the comic from the pages and put it on the screen. the story line, the characters, everything was great! now i am going to make a statement that may come as a shock to many of you, but i was in agreeing on the best sequel ever made: the godfather pt II, but now after seeing the dark night, it is now in my book the best sequel ever made! and i know that it is a little bias on my part cause i am a big fan but it was just an all around great movie regardless.
and i know that everyone made a big deal about heath ledger's performance, and it was all cause it was his last film, and that it was over hyped. i strongly disagree. he took the joker to a whole new level that jack nicholson could only dream about. he was dark, funny, sadistic, conniving psycho that you want in a antagonist. it was brilliantly done! and he should get the oscar for it.
if you have not seen the movie, i strongly suggest that you do. and if you have not seen the first one, go rent batman begins, and then go see the dark night. cause it now tops my list of favorite movies. until next time!
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
The Book of Richard 2:1 Total Randomness
so, i finally got my paper work from at&t on thursday, so for the first time since the 27th of june i have work to do that does not involve me driving all over san antone looking for parts to our old machine. and unlike back on the 27th it is more then two days worht of work! so now that i have all my paper work in, i only have about 2-3 weeks of work left here in san antone. and we are going to have a stretch of down time here in texas before we head on down to corpus christi. so i will be going to connecticut, for a month or so now, before we go to corpus. yea! not really, i don't know anyone up there, at least here i know a couple of people in town and i am not that far from austin. oh well i'll keep yall up to date on that.
its been three long years of anticipation, and an even longer year and a half since they released the making of it, but now its finally here! the dark knight comes out on friday!! and you better believe that i will be the first one in line waiting for the theatre to open on firday. i would go and see it at midnight on thursday but do to the above paragraph, and working nights still i cannot... but non-the-less, i am super stoked about it!! and as many of yall know, i love comics, and even more so, dc comics! batman and superman that's all i wanted to be when i was growing up. so if you want to come with, let me know and i'll pick up the tickets!
i really need to wash sara (my truck). she is dirty as hell!
i hate doing expense reports for work. its a pain in my ass, especially now that it comes out of my account and then i am reimbursed later on that week. it sucks!
all-star game tonight!! go nl!
olympics start in 24 days! whoo hoo!
its been three long years of anticipation, and an even longer year and a half since they released the making of it, but now its finally here! the dark knight comes out on friday!! and you better believe that i will be the first one in line waiting for the theatre to open on firday. i would go and see it at midnight on thursday but do to the above paragraph, and working nights still i cannot... but non-the-less, i am super stoked about it!! and as many of yall know, i love comics, and even more so, dc comics! batman and superman that's all i wanted to be when i was growing up. so if you want to come with, let me know and i'll pick up the tickets!
i really need to wash sara (my truck). she is dirty as hell!
i hate doing expense reports for work. its a pain in my ass, especially now that it comes out of my account and then i am reimbursed later on that week. it sucks!
all-star game tonight!! go nl!
olympics start in 24 days! whoo hoo!
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
a whole mind full...
sorry, i know it has been a long time since the last time i posted anything, and finally everything as really caught up with me, and i have had a lot of things on my mind. so if you will indulge me i will get started.
you know it is funny how the human mind and for that matter heart works. no matter what happens in the day to day living of a single persons life i guess you will always remember times, dates, and incidences that have effected your life whether it be good, or bad. i have always been that type of person who can chronically date things that have happened in my life. and while the most have been great, good, and life defining moments, others have weighted heavy on my heart and mind, and in a certain way now that i look back at it, have also defined my life as the goods ones have. i guess there are really two dates that i remember that stick out that were great dates that define myself, and also two others that have changed the course of my life as well. and while one would beg the question on way i would hang on to these other two? and i really cannot answer that. while i know that what happened on those two separate days were no way good to me personally, i cannot help but remember those. it has been two years for one of them, and eight years on the other, but i can still remember them both like they were yesterday. weird. but i guess that is life for you. i guess that if life was predicable, and you only had the good times in life, life itself would be rather boring, right?
now for the other thing that has recently been on my mind.
i was born with what i would consider a handicap in my family. while i have had two loving grandmothers, my sisters and i were cut short by never knowing our grandfathers, and them not knowing us also. but the one true beacon that we have in our lives has been our great uncle cal. he without being asked to has filled in the role as our grandfather. he is one of the most kind selfless persons i know. he has fought and survived the great odds three times already, and now for the forth time in the last 15 years he has been diagnosed with cancer. please if you could join with me and my family in praying for his health and well being, and for strength, of his family. i am so grateful that i have him in my life and in the lives of my family and the people that know him. we as a family and him, have fought this battle with him before, we have prevailed, and we will once more.
you know it is funny how the human mind and for that matter heart works. no matter what happens in the day to day living of a single persons life i guess you will always remember times, dates, and incidences that have effected your life whether it be good, or bad. i have always been that type of person who can chronically date things that have happened in my life. and while the most have been great, good, and life defining moments, others have weighted heavy on my heart and mind, and in a certain way now that i look back at it, have also defined my life as the goods ones have. i guess there are really two dates that i remember that stick out that were great dates that define myself, and also two others that have changed the course of my life as well. and while one would beg the question on way i would hang on to these other two? and i really cannot answer that. while i know that what happened on those two separate days were no way good to me personally, i cannot help but remember those. it has been two years for one of them, and eight years on the other, but i can still remember them both like they were yesterday. weird. but i guess that is life for you. i guess that if life was predicable, and you only had the good times in life, life itself would be rather boring, right?
now for the other thing that has recently been on my mind.
i was born with what i would consider a handicap in my family. while i have had two loving grandmothers, my sisters and i were cut short by never knowing our grandfathers, and them not knowing us also. but the one true beacon that we have in our lives has been our great uncle cal. he without being asked to has filled in the role as our grandfather. he is one of the most kind selfless persons i know. he has fought and survived the great odds three times already, and now for the forth time in the last 15 years he has been diagnosed with cancer. please if you could join with me and my family in praying for his health and well being, and for strength, of his family. i am so grateful that i have him in my life and in the lives of my family and the people that know him. we as a family and him, have fought this battle with him before, we have prevailed, and we will once more.
Sunday, May 25, 2008
last thursday my good friend ben wrote in his blog about the un-uniformity of america's baseball fields. stating the facts that while football fields do not change dimensions, from week to week, and basketball courts do not move the height of the goal. so why do baseball fields come in different dimensions, field shapes? it is a good observations. while making his point he suggested that all baseball fields be made uniformed in shape, size, and dimensions. and to keep to the statistical part of the game stats will be filed as: T.E.A.M. (the era ahead of modern) and M.E.(modern era).
all good points and well thought out, but he did not take into consideration the most important part of the game, the sentiment, traditions, and americanism that is baseball.
imagine this, you are on a road trip, or a business trip, you fly out of new york to chicago, and while you are landing you glance out the window to the same view that you had when you took off. houston, looks like l.a., and denver, and miami to boston. that's what it would be like if you made all the baseball fields uniform. the fact that they are all different is half the excitement of the game! take into example the following stadiums...
wrigley field, home of the chicago cubs. first notable thing you recognized coming into the stadium is the green ivy that covers the out field walls, the image of multiple all-stars, and countless other players crashing into the wall catching a deep fly ball. the white nautical flag that flies when the cubs win, or the bullpen that is in playable foul territory. or when the cubs win, the stadium speakers blast harry carey saying "cubs win! cubs win!"
yankee stadium, new york yankees. could you imagine it being referred as "the house that palmer, scott, and witmore built just like the others"?? no! it's "the house that ruth built" the only thing you see when you get off the subway. the right field that never got extended out to fit the center and left field walls. where else would they put the bullpen? where would the bleacher creatures sit?? or what about the 82 foot backstop? one of the defining characteristics of yankee stadium. and hearing 'ol blue eyes singing "new york, new york" right after the yankees win! nothing else like it.
finally... my favorite
fenway park, home of the boston red sox. coming off the red line, and walking down historic yawkey way, and entering the park, there you see it, you hear about it, see it in pictures, but nothing does it justice like seeing it in person... the green monster! the defining characteristic of fenway park! it's absolutely amazing, i could not, and do not want to think what fenway would be without it. next, the right field, the whole section! first its only 302 feet to pesky's pole, the shortest in all the majors, and most college fields. "williamsburg", the given name for the bullpen in right as well, 23 feet closer to home plate. not to take into consideration that the whole damn park is unfriendly to left handed pitchers. and lets not forget section 42 row 37 seat 21, also known as ted williams' red seat, for the longest home run in a regulation ball game 502 feet. and the signing of neil diamond's "sweet caroline" during the seventh inning stretch. fenway in one word "timeless"!!!
baseball is something that is america, we all have it in our blood. now i played football for the better part of ten years of my life, but honestly i cannot remember my first football game, whether it was the cowboys or the oilers, i cannot recall. but i do remember my first baseball game. i was 5 years old houston astros vs. the philadelphia phillies. houston won 5-2 and nolan ryan pitched a complete game.
now i do realize that the sport here recently has been tainted by allegations, and actual use of steroids. we as fans of the game need to let the players, managers, and commissioner know what we truly think about it. its taking the sport out of it. and is setting the wrong message to the future kids of the sport. and hopefully it will pass like the scandals of the past.
so making baseball so uniform would be taking the exact element that is baseball out of baseball. whether it be your dad showing you how to snap your glove close, the smell of the fresh cut grass, seeing your favorite player for the first time, and enjoying the parks home hot dog. it all goes away once you uniform everything that is the sport.
i leave you with a great quote from a great movie... enjoy!
"The one constant through all the years, Ray, has been baseball. America has rolled by like an army of steamrollers. It has been erased like a blackboard, rebuilt and erased again. But baseball has marked the time. This field, this game: it's a part of our past, Ray. It reminds of us of all that once was good and it could be again."--- Field of Dreams
all good points and well thought out, but he did not take into consideration the most important part of the game, the sentiment, traditions, and americanism that is baseball.
imagine this, you are on a road trip, or a business trip, you fly out of new york to chicago, and while you are landing you glance out the window to the same view that you had when you took off. houston, looks like l.a., and denver, and miami to boston. that's what it would be like if you made all the baseball fields uniform. the fact that they are all different is half the excitement of the game! take into example the following stadiums...
wrigley field, home of the chicago cubs. first notable thing you recognized coming into the stadium is the green ivy that covers the out field walls, the image of multiple all-stars, and countless other players crashing into the wall catching a deep fly ball. the white nautical flag that flies when the cubs win, or the bullpen that is in playable foul territory. or when the cubs win, the stadium speakers blast harry carey saying "cubs win! cubs win!"
yankee stadium, new york yankees. could you imagine it being referred as "the house that palmer, scott, and witmore built just like the others"?? no! it's "the house that ruth built" the only thing you see when you get off the subway. the right field that never got extended out to fit the center and left field walls. where else would they put the bullpen? where would the bleacher creatures sit?? or what about the 82 foot backstop? one of the defining characteristics of yankee stadium. and hearing 'ol blue eyes singing "new york, new york" right after the yankees win! nothing else like it.
finally... my favorite
fenway park, home of the boston red sox. coming off the red line, and walking down historic yawkey way, and entering the park, there you see it, you hear about it, see it in pictures, but nothing does it justice like seeing it in person... the green monster! the defining characteristic of fenway park! it's absolutely amazing, i could not, and do not want to think what fenway would be without it. next, the right field, the whole section! first its only 302 feet to pesky's pole, the shortest in all the majors, and most college fields. "williamsburg", the given name for the bullpen in right as well, 23 feet closer to home plate. not to take into consideration that the whole damn park is unfriendly to left handed pitchers. and lets not forget section 42 row 37 seat 21, also known as ted williams' red seat, for the longest home run in a regulation ball game 502 feet. and the signing of neil diamond's "sweet caroline" during the seventh inning stretch. fenway in one word "timeless"!!!
baseball is something that is america, we all have it in our blood. now i played football for the better part of ten years of my life, but honestly i cannot remember my first football game, whether it was the cowboys or the oilers, i cannot recall. but i do remember my first baseball game. i was 5 years old houston astros vs. the philadelphia phillies. houston won 5-2 and nolan ryan pitched a complete game.
now i do realize that the sport here recently has been tainted by allegations, and actual use of steroids. we as fans of the game need to let the players, managers, and commissioner know what we truly think about it. its taking the sport out of it. and is setting the wrong message to the future kids of the sport. and hopefully it will pass like the scandals of the past.
so making baseball so uniform would be taking the exact element that is baseball out of baseball. whether it be your dad showing you how to snap your glove close, the smell of the fresh cut grass, seeing your favorite player for the first time, and enjoying the parks home hot dog. it all goes away once you uniform everything that is the sport.
i leave you with a great quote from a great movie... enjoy!
"The one constant through all the years, Ray, has been baseball. America has rolled by like an army of steamrollers. It has been erased like a blackboard, rebuilt and erased again. But baseball has marked the time. This field, this game: it's a part of our past, Ray. It reminds of us of all that once was good and it could be again."--- Field of Dreams
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Pet Peeves!!

my biggest pet peeve besides people dressing up their pets like people, is just straight stupidity!! wow! some people i guess got skipped over when god was handing out brains. i'll give you a couple of examples...
a couple of weeks back a man was not convicted in the "accidental" shooting death of his wife. while trying to install a satellite dish to his house, the man did not have a hand drill to correctly install the dish mounting screws. so he whipped out his smith&wesson .40 cal. and shot 4 bullets into the house, unknown to his wife two of the bullets went astray striking her and killing her on the spot.
yesterday a man was pulled over for speeding, when the police officer noticed that the drivers 6 year old son was not properly buckled in. instead he had a case of beer buckled into the seat while his son sat on the floor board of the truck.
really people? wow!! and it makes me wonder why and how these people are allowed to procreate! people like this should be shot into space so they can wonder aimlessly, or deserted on an island.
until next time, i think i'm going to have to up myself to 2 chapters a day of the good 'ol zen book instead of 1.
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Richard 1:3

wow!! it seems like a dog's age since i last posted anything. these nights are crazy, and a little scary if i do say so. last night, or this morning, how ever you want to look at it, i was to set up at a man hole that was about 25 feet off the road. yea! not bad, at least i'm not on the street and in traffic right? no! i would have rather been in the middle of highway 90, or in the middle of the ghetto, then this hole. not only was it back off the road, it was in the middle of a bunch of trees, and just a stones throw from a creek, the weather and the elements washed away the ground around it, so now the lid was about chest high on me. once i got the lid off, the hole itself was a good 25 feet deep, no ladder, only the rungs on the chimney of the hole. and now for the good part... once i set up my lights guess what i saw?? 1 dead cat, 3 dead squirrels, in the hole was about 5 dead frogs floating in the water. so you know what that means! SNAKES!!! perfect just fucking perfect. and to make things worse i had to hang in the hole to clear the cable, my arms got tired! i knew that it was out there somewhere just waiting to bite me right in the ass! once the cable cleared the wall i got my black ass out of there and hauled ass! worse damn hole i have ever been in! i'll take stinky ass water, mud, muddy water, cramped, and cramped muddy water up to my elbows in the middle of the ghetto at night, with no traffic cones, in the middle of the interstate, then do that again!!!
i'll keep you updated on any more bad holes.
until then, shout out to all my peeps! stay black!
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Richard 1:2
so i finally played at the course in my backyard yesterday. its a really nice course. one of the nicer ones that i have played in a long time. we really didn't keep score cause we all had a long day at work before, and about 6 beers before we even got out there! but i did pretty good.
we are fixing to get into working nights here in san antone. 8-5. which in all reality isn't that bad. right now our permits are only 5 to 7 hours long. so now that we are working nights we have more time to work, which in turn means more footage, and more money! also less traffic, and also not having to deal with the ass that is the warehouse manager.
i'm going to watch the spurs finish out the suns tonight. maybe phoenix forgot that they can't beat the spurs in the play-offs. even with shaq! it's just not going to happen.
to all my mav's fans out there.... ha!!!
manu ginobili is the man! have you seen this guy play?? amazing!!
the dog that lives next door i have nick named her spider-dog, she can climb the fence with no effort. it's crazy!!
i need to go to the sprint store, my phone is cracked again! and hopefully i'll run into the same front checking girl that was there last time. we had a nice little conversation last time i was there.
one last thought... go spurs go!!
we are fixing to get into working nights here in san antone. 8-5. which in all reality isn't that bad. right now our permits are only 5 to 7 hours long. so now that we are working nights we have more time to work, which in turn means more footage, and more money! also less traffic, and also not having to deal with the ass that is the warehouse manager.
i'm going to watch the spurs finish out the suns tonight. maybe phoenix forgot that they can't beat the spurs in the play-offs. even with shaq! it's just not going to happen.
to all my mav's fans out there.... ha!!!
manu ginobili is the man! have you seen this guy play?? amazing!!
the dog that lives next door i have nick named her spider-dog, she can climb the fence with no effort. it's crazy!!
i need to go to the sprint store, my phone is cracked again! and hopefully i'll run into the same front checking girl that was there last time. we had a nice little conversation last time i was there.
one last thought... go spurs go!!
Friday, April 25, 2008
thoughts of the bird outside my window this morning...
"you know i usually see this guys light on around 5:50 or at least hear his alarm clock... i wonder if he forgot last night to set it?? i guess he had a little too many margaritas last night. well i feel that it is my duty to wake him up! you know i do have a beautiful singing voice! here goes nothing..." (starts singing) "ooo i guess he hears me! i hear moving, no snooze button here, i'm going to continue singing! wow! i guess he is hung over he looks pissed through the window! oh, look he is coming outside, i did my job, he is up and going, just the day in the life of me a singing bird! what? ah, how rude!! i spend my time making sure he gets up and for what? to get a rock thrown at me, what an ass!!! wait... oh shit i forgot... i heard on the news yesterday morning that all road work and related work is cancelled do to the end of fiesta celebrations... i guess i'm the asshole now! my bad, oh look worms on the golf course!!"
stupid ass birds!!
"you know i usually see this guys light on around 5:50 or at least hear his alarm clock... i wonder if he forgot last night to set it?? i guess he had a little too many margaritas last night. well i feel that it is my duty to wake him up! you know i do have a beautiful singing voice! here goes nothing..." (starts singing) "ooo i guess he hears me! i hear moving, no snooze button here, i'm going to continue singing! wow! i guess he is hung over he looks pissed through the window! oh, look he is coming outside, i did my job, he is up and going, just the day in the life of me a singing bird! what? ah, how rude!! i spend my time making sure he gets up and for what? to get a rock thrown at me, what an ass!!! wait... oh shit i forgot... i heard on the news yesterday morning that all road work and related work is cancelled do to the end of fiesta celebrations... i guess i'm the asshole now! my bad, oh look worms on the golf course!!"
stupid ass birds!!
Thursday, April 24, 2008
The Book of Richard 1:1
just to let you know in no way is this blasphemy, richard just figured it would be easier to separate his thoughts this way, and and it was a co-creative idea with me and jc(wearing w.w.j.d. bracelet)
you know, san antone celebrates just about anything, last week kicked off "fiesta", here in a couple of weeks... cinco de mayo. and it continues throughout the summer. they even had a week long celebration for marti gras... spanish background, french celebration. not real good with the math now, but something doesn't add up...
i need to buy a binder for all my paper work. grown up binder though, i'm thinking leather, no more 5 star mead's for richard!
so today at work i fell into a man hole half filled with water, this is after i hurt my peck(i think i pulled it) and got soaked from the waist down which didn't piss me off so much as the fact that richard hates wet socks!! and then i began to realize that only god knows whats really in that water!!!
richard recently started watching the office, funny shit!
i really wonder how long i can keep up the whole third person thing... this sentence, not so much!
okay forget third person, its too much work!
i never read lord of the flies. maybe i should give it a try. what do you think?
i have still yet to play the golf course in my backyard
you know, san antone celebrates just about anything, last week kicked off "fiesta", here in a couple of weeks... cinco de mayo. and it continues throughout the summer. they even had a week long celebration for marti gras... spanish background, french celebration. not real good with the math now, but something doesn't add up...
i need to buy a binder for all my paper work. grown up binder though, i'm thinking leather, no more 5 star mead's for richard!
so today at work i fell into a man hole half filled with water, this is after i hurt my peck(i think i pulled it) and got soaked from the waist down which didn't piss me off so much as the fact that richard hates wet socks!! and then i began to realize that only god knows whats really in that water!!!
richard recently started watching the office, funny shit!
i really wonder how long i can keep up the whole third person thing... this sentence, not so much!
okay forget third person, its too much work!
i never read lord of the flies. maybe i should give it a try. what do you think?
i have still yet to play the golf course in my backyard
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Over all thoughts
so, has many of yall know this is my first posting on my new blog. call me a follower cause my sister and my favorite cousin has one, but i thought it would be a nice way of putting all my thoughts out there for my friends and family to read about. and since i don't get to talk to yall on a regular basis its good to see how i am doing and what it is like in the world of richard.
just to fill yall in on the resent happening of the rich life, (yes, i will be refering to myself in the third person, so get used to it!) i have resently moved to san antonio were i am currently working. yes, i am no loger an medical assisant, and thank god, that job was taking a toll on me, so in a way it was a blessing in disguise. any how, i am now working for cable pullers inc. or cpi. we are pulling out the old copper phone and info lines from the ground and shipping it to china and they are buying it hand over fist. i really like this job. i get to work with my hands which i don't mind, in the sun, and i work with some cool people. plus i get paid really good, and will continue to move up in the money bracket fast! and now for the thoughts of richard...
i have been reading here lately, i know what you are thinking and yes there is a middle finger being shot your way! i have been reading a daily devotional book and a book on how to be more zen. and here lately i think they are working. i have found more peace within myself and have been less stressed out. so think it it working, a lot better then my last zen book. christ and buda, a winning combination!!
i also wonder why some people are dumb! yeah there are stupid people out there and to a certain extent you can fix stupid, but bumb people on the other hand are a different thing. can you fix or learn how to be not dumb? i don't think you can. dumb is just dumb, once you get there or born there, there is no turning back.
i hate my phone company! sprint can suck a fart out of my ass!
as you must have noticed already i hate pushing the "shift" button on my key board.
is the government jacking up the gas prices so they can pay for the debt that they have accounted in iraq?
mormons... have you driven by that place out towards san angelo? you are bound to get caught doing something when you have the only 8 storie buliding in the middle of flat ass west texas!
the only reason i watch law and oder here lately... alana dela garza!! check her out!!
well i guess thats enough madness for now. check in next time for more. same bat time same bat channel!
just to fill yall in on the resent happening of the rich life, (yes, i will be refering to myself in the third person, so get used to it!) i have resently moved to san antonio were i am currently working. yes, i am no loger an medical assisant, and thank god, that job was taking a toll on me, so in a way it was a blessing in disguise. any how, i am now working for cable pullers inc. or cpi. we are pulling out the old copper phone and info lines from the ground and shipping it to china and they are buying it hand over fist. i really like this job. i get to work with my hands which i don't mind, in the sun, and i work with some cool people. plus i get paid really good, and will continue to move up in the money bracket fast! and now for the thoughts of richard...
i have been reading here lately, i know what you are thinking and yes there is a middle finger being shot your way! i have been reading a daily devotional book and a book on how to be more zen. and here lately i think they are working. i have found more peace within myself and have been less stressed out. so think it it working, a lot better then my last zen book. christ and buda, a winning combination!!
i also wonder why some people are dumb! yeah there are stupid people out there and to a certain extent you can fix stupid, but bumb people on the other hand are a different thing. can you fix or learn how to be not dumb? i don't think you can. dumb is just dumb, once you get there or born there, there is no turning back.
i hate my phone company! sprint can suck a fart out of my ass!
as you must have noticed already i hate pushing the "shift" button on my key board.
is the government jacking up the gas prices so they can pay for the debt that they have accounted in iraq?
mormons... have you driven by that place out towards san angelo? you are bound to get caught doing something when you have the only 8 storie buliding in the middle of flat ass west texas!
the only reason i watch law and oder here lately... alana dela garza!! check her out!!
well i guess thats enough madness for now. check in next time for more. same bat time same bat channel!
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